SPENA Board Meeting Meeting Minutes February 23, 2017 Board Members Present Julie Helwig, President; Kathryn Warren, Vice President; Michelle Stellmaker, Acting Secretary; Kenda North, Past President; Cheryl Freydberg, Social; Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL; Bryon Adinoff, North Oak Cliff Greenspace; Michelle Touchet Action Items Summary: Action Responsible Due Date Financials: Increase paid memberships via directory…
January 17, 2017 SPENA Board Meeting Minutes Location: Helwig House – 1826 Marydale Attendees: Kenda North, Past President Julie Helwig, President Kathryn Warren, Vice President Michelle Stellmaker, Secretary Ellie Hajek, OOCCL Rep & Membership Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace I. Financials a. Sidewalk reimbursements – Ellie said Michelle’s spreadsheet is sufficient. Michelle will send to…
Meeting location: Helwig Residence Attendees: Julie Helwig, President & Social Media Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep Valerie Penn, Secretary Chad West, 2017 Dash for Beads 2017 Dash for the Beads 8th Annual Good Space Dash for the Beads will be Feb 25th. This year a 10K will be included with the 5K and 1 Mile walk. 100%…
Meeting location: Stevens Park Golf Course Clubhouse Attendees: Julie Helwig, President & Social Media Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep Cheryl Freydberg, Social Chair Kenda North, Past-President Valerie Penn, Secretary Financials Michelle has still not accessed the savings account. (Signers were changed on the checking account but not savings.) She hasn’t had luck on the weekends….
Attendees: Julie Helwig, President Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer Kenda North, Past President Cheryl Freydberg, Social Ellie Hajek, Membership Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Rep Wilson Meador, NOCOPP Rep I. Financials a. Checking balance = $2387.01 b. Savings balance = $5007.34 c. Total balance = $7394.35 d. Deposit for website recently sent = $811.88. total bill = $1623.75 II. Directory a. We are at…
Attendees: Julie Helwig, President & Social Media Kathryn Warren, Vice President Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer Valerie Penn, Secretary Kenda North, Past‐President Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep Cheryl Freydberg, Social Chair Joanna Robben, Social Co‐Chair Bryon Addinoff, Past‐President & Greenspace 1. Crescent Bishop Arts Mixed Use Proposal Michael Blackwell of Crescent Communities presented their proposal at Zang and Davis. Focused on…
Attendees: Julie Helwig, President & Social Media Kathryn Warren, Vice President Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep Cheryl Freydberg, Social Chair Wilson Meador, NOCUPP Rep Bryon Addinoff, Past‐President & Greenspace Kenda North, Past‐President Valerie Penn, Secretary 1. Financials The Oak Cliff Conservation League funded SPENA’s grant request for installing one water fountain in Annie Stevens Park and…
Attendees: Julie Helwig, President & Social Media Kathryn Warren, Vice President Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep Bryon Adinoff, Past‐President & Greenspace Agenda Topic 1: Annual Meeting Shooting for a Thursday in May. Julie reached out to Jim Henderson at Stevens Park Golf Course to inquire about availability. (Turner House would be the suggested back‐up if we can’t get the…