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September 9, 2018

By January 15, 2019Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Christine Kulstad, Vice President; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep; Kenda North, Past President; Ellie Hajek, Membership Chair

Guest: Chad West, City Planning Commissioner

  1. Chad West
    1. Red brick apartment complex, Virginia Manor, has been sold
      1. Interested in apartment development and/or townhomes
      1. Find out residential proximity slope?
      1. Primary ingress street? Ft. Worth Ave?
      1. Plymouth thoroughfare plans (Griggs got bond money for streets)
      1. Townhomes in front of Khan Elementary
      1. Methodist Health and Wellness Center (AKA Fulsome Fitness Ctr)
        1. Tripling the size
        1. Olympic size pool
        1. Open to outside membership
        1. Pecan grove
  2. Treasurer’s Report, Warren (for Senour)
    1. 2 new members
    1. $60 donation
  3. Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. First Friday-October 5 @ Susan and Dennis Vrana
    1. New Member Brunch
      1. October 14, 2018 @ Cheryl Fredberg
      1. 24 attendees (at the most)
      1. To invite past SPENA board presidents
    1. Halloween
      1. Lindsey & Forest Patterson are taking on this project
        1. Kenda to send draft of Halloween email [Service/participation]
  4. Membership Report, Warren
    1. Many homes for sale that aren’t selling
  5. Heritage Oak Cliff, Somers-Clark & Hajek
    1. Home Tour October 20-21, noon – 6:00 pm (9 homes)
    1. Call for nominations for
      1. Ruth Chenoweth Award (suggestions: Friends of Oak Cliff Parks; Oak Cliff Society for Fine Arts/Turner House; Chicago Title house across from Sunset HS; GreenSpace)
      1. Neighborhood Champion Award (suggestion: Rachel Stone)
  6. GreenSpace Report, Freydberg
    1. Golf tournament: October 8, 2018
    1. Improved website-easy to donate
    1. SPENA website now has a link to the golf tournament
  7. SPENA Survey created to be sent out via Constant Contact (results will be on the next meeting’s agenda)
  8. Nominating committee needs? If you are NOT interested in running for your current position, please notify Kathryn to determine a need for nominations.

The next meeting will be held at the home of the Kulstads (2000 Mayflower) on October 9 @ 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.


Author stevenspark

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