Helpful Neighborhood Information
Click here for Conservation District Information
Click here for Stevens Park Estates conservation documents
North Oak Cliff United Police Patrol (NOCUPP):
Help to keep our area safe and secure with this very effective crime reduction program. Dues are $1/day, $365/yr.
Benefits include:
- Increased officer patrol of Stevens Park streets
- access to the NOCUPP patrol officer’s direct cell phone
- vacation watches
Heritage Oak Cliff
An organization dedicated to neighborhood preservation and support. Comprised of residents from 34 neighborhood organizations, the League welcomes not only neighborhood membership but also individual resident and business memberships. See more details at
Turner House: Oak Cliff Society of Fine Arts
An organization dedicated to the preservation of the Turner House and to promoting fine arts and artists in Oak Cliff.
Rosemont Early Childhood PTA
Rosemont Early Childhood PTA (RECPTA) is an organization of parents with young children who want to create and maintain a sense of community in Oak Cliff. RECPTA is the oldest early childhood PTA in the state of Texas.
Greenspace North Oak Cliff
Greenspace supports amenities such as art, landscaping, and exercise stations along Coombs Creek Trail as well as enhanced landscape maintenance at Stevens Park Golf Course.
- City of Dallas:
- Stevens Park Estates Trash and Recycling Day: Tuesday
- Stevens Park Estates Bulk Trash Pick Up: 3rd Monday of each month
- City Council Representative District 1: Chad West
School Information
- Dallas ISD:
- Dallas ISD School Board Member District 7: Ben Mackey