Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Erik & Christine Kulstad, Vice President; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep
- Treasurer Report, Senour
- Spent money on Halloween security
- About break even revenue v expenses (including the grant money)
- One additional member joined since last month
- Fundraising, Warren
- Ideas:
- Silent Auction during Membership party
- Bumper sticker (OCTX)
- Iris bulbs
- Tshirts, shopping bags/totes (75208)
- Leave fliers/constant contact
- New Meeting
- Switch to 4th Tuesday of the month
- Starting February 2019
- New Board
- Everyone want to keep positions?
- Who do we know that may want to participate? Bring them to the January 8 mtg.
- Ideas:
- Social Chair Report, Warren
- Holiday
Party, December 7– Freydberg
- Solicit donations for Promise House
- Kenda to include this in Constant Contact (still working on it, use list from website)
- Kenda to connect with Harriet RE logistics
- Membership
Party, January 19 – Rybarski
- Sign up First Friday Hosts
- Dues increased to $50 for 2019
- Invitation
to include what dues are for
- Divide up the streets for flier distribution
- Holiday
Party, December 7– Freydberg
- HOC, Somers-Clark
- School closure stance? Help promo meetings
POSSIBLE PROJECTS: *Green painted lamp posts—need painting, city property*Fundraiser Possibility? (reserve budget for 1 yr expenses; improve more sidewalks; paint street lamps; continue current projects while meeting rising costs; more community outreach-schools; family programming), irrigation for “triangle”
POSSIBLE RESOURCE: SJ and D, SJ said she is interested in helping with SPENA social media
The next meeting will be held at the home of Michelle Touchet (1909 Old Orchard) on Friday, January 8 @ 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.