Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Eric Kulstad, Co-Vice President; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek, Membership; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Co-Rep; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep
- Treasurer’s Report, Senour
- $8350 in cash
- Will upload spreadsheet data onto Constant Contact (contact mgmt. sys)
- Hard copy vs link to online spreadsheet on website
- Sell ads
- Concern about children’s info being online
- Would need to put it behind a “wall”
- Many like having a hard copy
- Send acknowledgement letter/thank you letter for donations above the $40 dues
- Mary & Steve Calvos (Kathryn to send an email)
- Budget Question: can we cover 40% of sidewalk cost for families for whom the cost is prohibitive
- How much can we spend?
- Senour needs to know what the budgets are for different SPENA events (Halloween, block party, etc)
- Get reimbursable ‘budget’ estimates to Senour as soon as possible
- Senour to put together a SPENA report for the next meeting
- How much reserve do we want SPENA to maintain
- Membership Report, Hajek
- Home sales slowed down in Jan and Feb
- One house needs a basket, but owner hasn’t moved in yet
- Social Chair Report, Rybarski
- Calendar sent out a few weeks ago
- All First Friday hosts, except November, are assigned
- Garnish Kitchen was a successful First Friday
- Garnish Kitchen cooking class
- 10/14 signed up
- need 4 more by April 19
- $85/person
- Garage Sale-April 14
- Add link for permit (free)
- Call Mary Alice
- Focus on online advertising
- Draft out to board by end of next week
- Block Party (Cheryl scaffolding Carol through process)
- Face painter booked, 2-4
- Lucky Pierre’s booked
- Estimate: 11:30 am ish – 4 ish
- Consider: bounce house, City on the Move (311), fire truck, mowing
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Co-Host with W Kessler, needs to confirm this
- New SPENA Neighborhood Signs -Discussion, Warren
- 15 signs for $262.80
- Kenda and Cheryl think we need more signs
- Current signs looking worn
- Want signs to match new logo
- Will wait until we get Senour’s budget and estimate for sidewalk costs prior to committing to buy new signs
- HOC Report, Somers-Clark
- Sidewalk Project
- First come first serve
- 15 houses on the “red” list; 11 ‘good’ email addresses; 2 replied yes (as of 3/6)
- Sidewalk Project
- Don’t know how many we can serve until we hear from The City (up to 5?)
- Tabling the Twelve Hills water fountain project until next year
- GreenSpace Report, Adinoff
- $3500 limit for art piece
- Call for proposal of art piece has gone out, Deadline April 1
- Griggs thought the project can go under ‘beautification’
- If SPENA landscapes an island, the art can become part of the beautification
- Annual General Meeting, Warren
- May 10 at the Stevens Park Golf Course, 6:30-8:30 pm
- Location: On the porch, tend to audibility (HOC has a great portable mic)
- Suggest itinerary items (3 speakers max)
- Greenspace (Bryon)
- Scott Griggs (Kathryn)
- Audry Pinkerton (Michelle T.)
- Dallas Police Chief
The next meeting will be held at the home of Michelle Touchet, 1909 Old Orchard: April 10, 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet