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March 6, 2018

By March 8, 2018Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Eric Kulstad, Co-Vice President; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek, Membership; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Co-Rep; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Senour
    1. $8350 in cash
    2. Will upload spreadsheet data onto Constant Contact (contact mgmt. sys)
    3. Hard copy vs link to online spreadsheet on website
      1. Sell ads
      2. Concern about children’s info being online
  • Would need to put it behind a “wall”
  1. Many like having a hard copy
  1. Send acknowledgement letter/thank you letter for donations above the $40 dues
    1. Mary & Steve Calvos (Kathryn to send an email)
  2. Budget Question: can we cover 40% of sidewalk cost for families for whom the cost is prohibitive
    1. How much can we spend?
  3. Senour needs to know what the budgets are for different SPENA events (Halloween, block party, etc)
    1. Get reimbursable ‘budget’ estimates to Senour as soon as possible
    2. Senour to put together a SPENA report for the next meeting
  • How much reserve do we want SPENA to maintain
  1. Membership Report, Hajek
    1. Home sales slowed down in Jan and Feb
    2. One house needs a basket, but owner hasn’t moved in yet
  • Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. Calendar sent out a few weeks ago
    2. All First Friday hosts, except November, are assigned
    3. Garnish Kitchen was a successful First Friday
    4. Garnish Kitchen cooking class
      1. 10/14 signed up
      2. need 4 more by April 19
  • $85/person
  1. Garage Sale-April 14
    1. Add link for permit (free)
    2. Call Mary Alice
  • Focus on online advertising
  1. Draft out to board by end of next week
  1. Block Party (Cheryl scaffolding Carol through process)
    1. Face painter booked, 2-4
    2. Lucky Pierre’s booked
  • Estimate: 11:30 am ish – 4 ish
  1. Consider: bounce house, City on the Move (311), fire truck, mowing
  1. Easter Egg Hunt
    1. Co-Host with W Kessler, needs to confirm this
  2. New SPENA Neighborhood Signs -Discussion, Warren
    1. 15 signs for $262.80
    2. Kenda and Cheryl think we need more signs
      1. Current signs looking worn
      2. Want signs to match new logo
  • Will wait until we get Senour’s budget and estimate for sidewalk costs prior to committing to buy new signs
  1. HOC Report, Somers-Clark
    1. Sidewalk Project
      1. First come first serve
      2. 15 houses on the “red” list; 11 ‘good’ email addresses; 2 replied yes (as of 3/6)
  • Don’t know how many we can serve until we hear from The City (up to 5?)
  1. Tabling the Twelve Hills water fountain project until next year
  1. GreenSpace Report, Adinoff
    1. $3500 limit for art piece
    2. Call for proposal of art piece has gone out, Deadline April 1
    3. Griggs thought the project can go under ‘beautification’
    4. If SPENA landscapes an island, the art can become part of the beautification
  • Annual General Meeting, Warren
    1. May 10 at the Stevens Park Golf Course, 6:30-8:30 pm
    2. Location: On the porch, tend to audibility (HOC has a great portable mic)
    3. Suggest itinerary items (3 speakers max)
      1. Greenspace (Bryon)
      2. Scott Griggs (Kathryn)
  • Audry Pinkerton (Michelle T.)
  1. Dallas Police Chief

The next meeting will be held at the home of Michelle Touchet, 1909 Old Orchard: April 10, 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet


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