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October 9, 2018

By January 15, 2019Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Christine Kulstad, Vice President; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep; Kenda North, Past President; Ellie Hajek, Membership Chair

  1. Brunch, Warren
    1. 0 positive RSVPs
    1. Skip it this year and re-invite this year’s neighbors again next year.
    1. Troy Charcon—email bounced back, Ellie to follow up with him
  2. Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. First Friday, November – Kulstad
    1. Holiday Party, December 7– Freydberg
      1. Solicit donations for Promise House
      1. Kenda to include this in Constant Contact
      1. Kenda to connect with Harriet RE logistics
    1. Membership Party, January 19 – Rybarski
      1. Sign up First Friday Hosts
    1. Cinco de Mayo ideas
      1. Band
      1. Dance contest (with kids), musical chairs
      1. Pinata
      1. Adult Pinata, charge
    1. Halloween
      1. Emphasize money SPENA puts into this evening
      1. PERSONALLY Invite neighbors to participate
  3. Survey, Warren/Kulstad: To send it out in January
  4. New Directory, may wait until 2020 or simply distribute supplemental pages
  5. GreenSpace Golf Tournament, Freydberg
    1. Rained out at the 6th hole
    1. A good time was had by all
    1. Continuing to pursue funding for artwork in the medians
  6. New Neighbor Welcome Baskets, Hajek
    1. Corner of N Oak Cliff and Mayflower
    1. Ellie will follow up on home Ged mentioned
    1. What will be done with the double lot across from Toddler park
  7. HOC, Somers-Clark
    1. Home Tour, October 20-21
      1. 2 homes in Wynnwood North
      1. Tickets available at Tom Thumb, $20 advance, $25 day of event
    1. New folks in the HOC board for next year
    1. Candidates Forum, October 16, 6:00 pm @ Bishop Dunne Auditorium
      1. 13 candidates for District 4 (Caraway’s position)
      1. Election Day: November 6
      1. Forums for future elections forthcoming

POSSIBLE PROJECTS: *Green painted lamp posts—need painting, city property*Fundraiser Possibility? (reserve budget for 1 yr expenses; improve more sidewalks; paint street lamps; continue current projects while meeting rising costs; more community outreach-schools; family programming)

POSSIBLE RESOURCE: SJ and D, SJ said she is interested in helping with SPENA social media

The next meeting will be held at the home of ? (?) on November 13 @ 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.


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