Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Kenda North, Past President, Constant Contact Rep; Christine Kulstad, Co-Vice President; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek, Membership; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Co-Rep; Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Co-Rep; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff Rep
- Financials, Senour
- 47 households paid to date
- Financial details in report
- Signatories on bank account: Michelle Stellmaker & Alisha Senour
- Paypal: still under Michelle Stellmaker’s profile
- Alisha to send in required documentation to update Paypal Contact Information
- Can Paypal be under the name of an organization?
- Kathryn Warren moved to change the Contact Name to Alisha Senour. Seconded by Carole Somers-Clark. Voted FOR unanimously.
- Membership, Hajek
- New member info goes to Kathryn, Ellie, Carol, Alisha and Kenda
- “big spreadsheet” to be tracked by Alisha
- Not too many home sales recently
- Social, Rybarski
- First Friday-need someone to take on March, Garnish Kitchen a possibility? Plan B: Cheese & Chutney?
- Cooking class, Garnish Kitchen (GK) on Davis
- Yard Sale, April 14 (minimum 10 houses participating, encourage partnering/clustering with a neighbor)
- Mary Alice Ayers and Michelle Touchet to coordinate
- Send Kenda text for CC regarding garage sale
- Block Party- Determine Lucky Pierre’s availability prior to setting the date
- Possible dates: May 5 or June 2?
- Lockhart or Hamburger Man to cater
- Easter Egg Hunt
- 9:00 am start
- Possible collaboration with West Kessler again
- New neighborhood event signs with updated SPENA logo?
- Kenda to get some bids (MetPress non-profit printer)
- New sign meisters: Christine (N Oak Cliff), Jason (Marydale), Kenda (Mayflower/Old Orchard)
- Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC), Somers-Clark
- GRANT IDEA: Sidewalk Project
- need to complete a sidewalk survey
- Carole, Carol, Christine, and Kathryn to walk this weekend, weather permitting
- Upcoming Meet & Greet with neighborhood leaders (flyer available)
- Spring Symposium-grant workshop
- Stevens Park Elementary project completed (invoice to be turned in to Alisha)
- Kathryn moved to approve and cover $77 budget overage for project. Seconded by Christine. Voted FOR unanimously.
- GRANT IDEA: water fountain for Twelve Hills Nature Center
- Possible collaborators: Kings Hwy, Kessler Neighbors United, West Kessler (maybe Rosemont, St. Cecilia, Winnetka Heights)
- Michelle Touchet to investigate neighborhood and Twelve Hills interest
- GRANT IDEA: Sidewalk Project
- Kathryn to attend HOC Meet and Greet to investigate neighborhood interest
- Home Tour suggestions? Looking for variety of homes
- Conservation District Amendment Committee, North & Somers-Clark
- Upcoming meeting on February 22 at Turner House
- Highly recommend ALL to attend
- Second meeting a possibility
- Upcoming meeting on February 22 at Turner House
- Issue of Lot Size has been removed from the conversation
- No second vote—It will be determined as a result of the conversation between residents with the City as per ordinances (City Ordinance Committee, City Planning Commission, City Council)
- GreenSpace, Adinoff & Freydberg
- Looking for a sculpture to install, which island?
- GS Board approved funding
- GS Board Interest in increasing spending from $2500-$15,000
- Annual General Meeting, Warren
- Proposed agenda items/speakers: Greenspace speaker, Lupe Valdez, Rafael Anchia
- Date: May 10? 17? To check with mgr at golf course regarding availability
- Location: Turner House vs. Golf Course? Chose golf course because it’s closer
The next meeting will be held at the home of: Carol Rybarski on Colorado, March 6, 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet