Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Kenda North, Past-President and Communications; Ellie Hajek, Heritage Oak Cliff Rep; Heather Perlowski (new Old Orchard resident) Treasurer’s Report, Senour sent report via email No new memberships, Total as of today 67 SPE grant check cleared ($700) Current balance ~$1500 Nominee Ideas for 2020 Board Nathan Cox for Treasurer—Kenda…
SPENA Meeting Minutes 8/27/19 Present: Carole Somers-Clark; Alicia; Cheryl Aukeman; Carol Rybarski; Ellie Hajek; Kathryn Warren; Kenda North Discussion: Kenda’s suggestion for a paragraph for how to question something with the CD ordinance; it was edited and will be published. Ged Dipprey asked about inviting Middlebrook community to our First Friday; Kathryn asked if they would need to join First…
Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Erik & Christine Kulstad, Vice President; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; Kenda North, Past-President and Communications Treasurer’s Report, Senour sent report via email Peggy and Brett interested in joining SPENA Are the interested in joining the board, too? Ask Alisha Nominee Ideas for 2020 Board, Warren Alisha does not want to run for treasurer…