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October 25, 2022

By October 25, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, Mary Alice Ayers, Joanna Robbens, Nancy Willson, Riley Willson, Jim Barnes, Kenda North, Peggy Shipp, Ellie Hajak;

  1. Welcome
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Social Chair Report
  4. New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report
  5. Social Media Report-1st Friday October went well. The New Members Brunch also went well, however no photos were taken and it is requested that someone be in charge of assuring photos are taken at events, for posting on the website.
  6. Historian Report
  7. HOC Representative Report: Carol R passed out a list of candidates for the HOC Board elections that will take place in November 2022. If anyone has input/comments contact Carol Somers-Clark
  8. Greenspace Representative Report
  9. NOCCUP Report
  10. Old Business
  11. Website and Facebook: Carol R met with GED and Stephanie Wick. S Wick will continue to post minutes on website and update when needed and GED will handle Facebook


  1. Triangle Clean-up: Still waiting for first freeze
  2. Christian Science Church: the lawn has been mowed. Carol R is still planning on trying to talk with owners to ascertain plans for the property
  3. Halloween: $1500 to Lindsey Patterson; Police will be there from 5-9 pm; $5434.29
  4. The information on the SPE Conservation District that is on the website needs to be updated/cleaned up. There are 3 versions. Trevor Brown, City of Dallas, suggested that there just be a link to the City site.
  5. New Business
  6. January Membership meeting will be January 21, 2023 at 7 pm. Discussion followed as to suggestions for menu and best way to inform residents of the meeting
  7. 1st Friday November- various Board members have signs for their respective blocks and will place them for 1st Friday
  8. There will be a meeting 11/1/22 6PM at the Kids Springs Recreation Center with Chad West to discuss the Sprouts grocery store coming to the corner of Hampton and FW Avenue.
  9. The SPENA 1st Friday Christmas Party will be at the home of Mary Alice Ayers
  10. Meeting Closure 8:25 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held February 2023, TBA

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy and Riley Willson


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