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August 2023

SPENA Board Meeting Minutes

At the home of Carol Rybarski, 1935 W. Colorado Blvd.

Tuesday August 14th, 2023 @ 7 pm

Attendees: Carol Rybarski (President), Jim Barnes (Historian), Kenda North (Communications Chair), Nancy Willson (Co-Secretary), Riley Willson (Co-Secretary), Peggy Shipp (Vice-President/Social), Nathan Cox (Treasurer), Carole Somers-Clark (HOC Representative), Joanna Robben (Greenspace Representative), Mary Alice Ayers (Welcome Ambassador)

  1. Welcome-Carol Rybarski
  2. Treasurer’s Report-Nathan Cox

SPENA has been joined by 4 new households/members

SPENA Membership is 76 households or 37% of SPE

  1. Social Chair Report-Peggy Shipp –   There are Hosts for First Fridays for the remainder of 2023.  Carol Rybarski will host the New Neighbors Brunch October 15, 2023 at 10 am
  2. New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report- Mary Alice Ayers

Mary Alice reported that she had received no names of new neighbors since the last New Neighbors Brunch. Several      meeting attendees are aware of new neighbors and will get the information to Mary Alice

  1. Social Media Report- None
  2. Historian Report-None
  3. HOC Representative Report-None
  4. Greenspace Representative Report-None
  5. NOCCUP Report-None
  6. Old Business    Annie Stevens Park – the fallen tree has been removed.  There is no longer a homeless encampment in the Park

Bond Package 2024-   Kenda distributed a Report with pie charts and narrative of the results of the  SPENA               Annie Stevens Park Survey

Kenda and Carol submitted the Survey results and received a letter in response from Megan

O’Neal, Manager-Parks Planning, City of Dallas

In response to Ms. O’Neal’s letter, the Survey Report has been submitted to the Park Board and to Sub-committee members Corky Sherman and J. Huerta

Carole S-C reported on the “Miramar”-The study has been completed, as reported, but there is no further action at this time

11. New Business

  1. Carol R reported that the City of Dallas is firmly instructing all non-emergency reports (for example, the fallen tree in Annie Stevens Park) and requests for services to be made through 311. When a report/request is made through 311, it goes straight through to a data base, which enhances a quick response time.
  2. Neighborhood Issue: Marydale (between North Oak Cliff Blvd and Hampton) needs to be re-paved. This was not included in the SPENA Bond Survey results, because it already is on the 2024 Bond’s Needs List. Carol R spoke with several neighbors who live in that block and informed them as to who to contact with the City to emphasize that the re-paving needs to be done.
  3. Halloween 2023: Lindsey Patterson will again organize for police presence. Carol R will be the SPENA Board contact person

Meeting Closure- 8:15 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held in September TBA.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy and Riley Willson


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