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June 2023

SPENA Board Meeting Minutes

At the home of Nancy and Riley Willson, 1940 Old Orchard

Tuesday June 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm

Attendees: Jim Barnes (Historian), Kenda North (Communications Chair), Nancy Willson (Co-Secretary), Riley Willson (Co-Secretary), Peggy Shipp (Vice-President/Social), Carole Somers-Clark (HOC Representative), Joanna Robben (Greenspace Representative)

  1. Welcome

Carole Somers-Clark

May Minutes approved with corrections

  1. Treasurer’s Report

All payments have been made for Block Party expenses

Current Amount in Account $6,685.88

  1. Social Chair Report

First Fridays are scheduled for the rest of the year with the exception of July, in which there will be no First Friday meeting

  1. New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report
  2. Social Media Report

Kenda North has updated the pictures on the website and the links to the Conservation District information

  1. Historian Report

Jim Barnes and Kenda North will meet and review the History section of the website

  1. HOC Representative Report
  2. Greenspace Representative Report
  3. NOCCUP Report
  4. Old Business
  5. Upcoming Bond

It was suggested that the City could use the soon-to-be re-purposed car compound at  Northwest

Commerce and Beckley for Pickle Ball/Padel Ball Courts

  1. New Business

Annie Stevens Park

  1. A tree fell in the Park and the City was out very quickly to place Caution tape
  2. Chad West invited several residents to talk about what local residents want to see in the next

Bond package. Carole Somers-Clark in Kenda North represented Annie Stevens Park. There was a

second open meeting at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center. It was a chance for people to state what

they want as far as streets, parks etc, in the upcoming Bond package. Again, Kenda North and

Carole Somers-Clark presented for Annie Stevens Park.

  1. Kenda North has spearheaded the development of a survey related to Annie Stevens Park. Jeff

Herrington helped prepare the survey. At the May business meeting Monty Ayers had volunteered

to take the survey to all homes in Stevens Park Estates. This option did not seem viable due to

difficulty of getting returned, completed surveys. It was suggested that in addition to sending the

survey by e-mail on Constant Contact, some surveys could be distributed and completed at the First

Friday in August 2023.

  1. Meeting Closure

Adjourned at 8:25 PM

There will be no July 2023 SPENA Board Meeting. The next SPENA Board meeting will be in August 2023, date and location TBA

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy and Riley Willson


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