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May 17, 2022

By May 17, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Community Meeting

Guest Speakers:

  1. Anne Hagan-Southern Gateway Green Foundation

Ms. Hagan presented an update on the progress of the Southern Gateway. She emphasized that this park, a public/private partnership, will be a “Park With A Purpose”. The first phase of the park is anticipated to open in Spring 2024. The website for the project is and Ms. Hagan can be reached at

  1. Joseph Beckman-Coombs Creek Conservancy

Mr. Beckman and Angie ___ presented on the current status of the organization. He stated that covid restrictions had caused postponement of some of the planned community volunteer projects. He acknowledged that “street-level” issues, such as trash in the creek, are the visible concerns, but he feels that what cannot be seen is just, if not more, nefarious. This includes what is being dumped/dissolved  in the creek water by individuals, companies, etc. There are opportunities for volunteer involvement which includes not only trash removal, but also monitoring water quality. The website for the organization is

Business Meeting:

  1. Treasurer’s Report- Nathan Cox reported that membership in SPENA is up from last year with 38% of

households in SPE belonging to SPENA. SPENA received 9 new members in May, which he attributed to the May Block Party

  1. President’s Report- Carol Rybarski reported that at this time, the main project she is working on is the

sidewalk situation. She is working with someone who works for a landscape architect to help plan the aesthetics of the curving sidewalks and extensions to the curbs for pedestrian traffic. The triangle at Plymouth and North Oak Cliff must be addressed-John Ellis has been maintaining it for the last 10 years and it is time for another plan to be made for its maintenance. There will be a return of  police presence and barriers for safety and crowd control for Trick or Treat 2022.

  1. Historian Report-Jim Barnes distributed a handout on the church at Plymouth and Colorado. He also pointed out that SPE’s 100th year anniversary is approaching.
  2. Carol Somers-Clark presented an update on the Miramar, and the Good Neighbor Agreement. She stated that Wes Keyes is now the Homelessness Commissioner, since Jennifer Snow stepped down. There will be a survey for the Good Neighbor Agreement that will be sent by e-mail to residents of Stevens Park Estates and Stevens Park Estates West. It is important to participate in the survey
  3. Kenda North stated that efforts were being made to have a June 4, 2022 neighborhood yard sale. She said for interested residents to let her know if they want to participate and she will give the potential participant the city website to get the permission for the yard sale. Also, Kenda wants people to better use the online directory, adding and that many people in SPE need to log on and enter their current information
  4. Meeting Closure-the meeting closed at approximately 8:30 PM

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held June 28, 2022 at 7 pm at the home of Carol Rybarski.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy and Riley Willson


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