Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kathryn Warren, Past-President; Heather Perlowski, Social Media; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Kenda North, Communications; Cheryl Aukeman, Vice-President and Greenspace Rep; John Ellis, Treasurer; and Michelle Touchet, Secretary
- Treasurer’s Report-John
- Financial Report/Funding
- 2 new dues payments (58/206 homes joined)
- Directory
- Cost ~$600
- HOC Grant Requested (Jane) for ~$300
- Art project @ Sylvan-30 underpass ($14,000 needed)
- General Board Consensus: nice artistic design, great idea; art is expensive
- Cheryl is going to ask GreenSpace to donate $ at their next meeting
- SPENA will donate $1500 to the project
- Financial Report/Funding
- Directory-Kenda
- New spreadsheet—yay, Kenda and John!
- Paper vs Online
- Online should be pre-populated
- Only Name and address pre-populated
- More details could be added if residents want to create a login
- Wynnewood has both; Winnetka has paper only
- Send Kenda any questions you may have, and she will talk to Vicki
- Kenda will ask Vicki if we can create something that residents can print themselves.
- Online should be pre-populated
- Website & Social Media-Heather (mobile: 469 580 6331)
- Please send her any pics or posts for Facebook/Insta/Website
- Instagram handle: Stevens_Park_Estates_SPENA
- Website:
- Social Events-Carol R.
- Welcome Basket in the Time of COVID-19
- Ask if they even Want a basket (via email or note on door)
- Suggestions: leave basket on doorstep; gift card to local restaurant or cookie from vendor in lieu of home baked cookies; SPENA Board member closest to new neighbor is the most logical person to deliver the basket.
- Welcome Basket in the Time of COVID-19
- Other Business
- Constant Contact Messages-Census Reminder (Kathryn to write up and forward to Kenda)
- Rod Turns 80!!!!!!!! June drive by parade!
The next Board Mtg will be June 30th @ 7:00 BYO Masks and Socially Distance at Carole Somers-Clark’s Home.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.