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June 2024

By July 2, 2024July 23rd, 2024Meeting Minutes

(* = Absent)

Board Members Committee Chairs
*Nathan Cox, President *Lindsey Patterson, Social *Joe Rybarski, NOCUPP
*Jessica Faulks, Vice-President Saul Reyes, Beautification & Parks *Mike McVey, Heritage Oak Cliff
Larry Worden, Treasurer Peggy Shipp, Welcome Ambassador *Joanna Robben, Greenspace
Mary Calvo, Secretary Kenda North, Communications Jim Barnes, Historian
Carol Rybarski, Past-President Hannah Coxon, Social Media
Agenda Topics Presenter(s)
April Board Meeting and 2024 Annual Business Meeting Approval Mary Calvo
Open Action Items Review (see action items section below for details) Mary Calvo

Treasury Report (see attached report for details)

First time this year we have been ahead of last year in memberships (~+$300).

Discussed opportunities to continue to drive new membership up via via social media pages.

Larry Worden
Social Media Update

FaceBook page is up and running. Hannah will begin tracking followers, etc.

Consider building a “suggestion box” on the FB page targeting new and existing members for new ideas, suggestions, etc. As next steps, Hannah will get with Lindsey Patterson about membership campaign via social media.

Hannah Coxon


Heritage Oak Cliff Grant Requests

Three applications have been sumitted: 1) Historic lamp post updates, 2) Annual Block Party, 3) Movie night at Annie Stevens Park. Announcements are expected at the Turner House Ceremony on 6/27/24 where Mike McVey, Kenda North and Nathan Cox will be in attendance. Other SPENA Board Members are encouraged to attend. For more information regardin the event please refer to the following link:

Saul Reyes, Kenda North
Dallas Grant Foundation

Larry Worden established portal at The Dallas Foundation for SPENA to submit a grant proposal. Dates for grant submission will be open July 15, 2024 – August 15, 2024.

Kenda stated that there is some confusion as to where Annie Stevens Park fits into the City of Dallas Park system (it is not listed on the Parks website). She emailed JR Huerta, Parks Representative for District 1, to request help from someone who can assist us with infrastructure logistics projects (e.g., dead trees, an additional entrance to Annie Stevens Park from Plymouth, Privet issues, etc.) SPENA may also have opportunities


Kenda North
Park Committees

The Board voted to form 2 Park sub-committee: 1) Playground, and 2) Infrastructure. Saul Reyes will head up both Committees for the bonds and solicit participation from others to assist with playground equipment, etc. Saul will reach out to Jessica Faulks to prepare for next steps.

Ideas for these committess were discussed to put a low simple barrier between the playground and the ravine, benches in the playground area. Hannah will also set up suggestion ideas on the social media pages to solicit input from SPENA members. Other discussions for the Park Committees included utilizing 311 for any work that poses safety issues to get them addressed quickly.

The Board voted to hire lawn maintenance for the Triangle across from Annie Stevens Park for the months of June through Octobere. Saul will take the lead to get an estimate for the yearly cost.

Saul Reyes
Annie Stevens Park Parking Concerns

 Jim Barnes requested that the SPENA Board revisit how parking for Annie Stevens Park is zoned for visitors on Oak Cliff Boulevard, as this currently poses safety issues, due to the through traffic on the street. The SPENA Board approved to recommend using the non-resident side of Laurette is where visitors would park with a maxium of 4-hours only during the daylight hours. As next steps, Kenda North will get with Chad West.

Jim Barnes
Action Items Assigned to Status
Get with Lindsey Patterson regarding membership campaign strategy on social media pages. Hannah Coxon Not Started
Ensure new residents have gotten newcomer baskets. Get with Saul Reyes on getting Iris plants for new member baskets. Peggy Shipp Not Started
Apply for Dallas Grant funding opportunities. Kenda North Not Started
Inquire what opportunities we have for Greenspace improvements for Annie Stevens Park via Joanna & Devin. Kenda North Not Started
Creat Suggestion Box on FaceBook page for park enhancements, etc. Hannah Coxon Not Started
Reach out to Jessica Faulks to help with soliciting participation from others to assist with playground equipment, etc. Saul Reyes Not Started
Get yearly pricing for Triangle lawn maintence. Saul Reyes Not Started
Get with Chad West regarding rezoning Annie Stevens visitor parking rezoning to Laurette. Kenda North Not Started
Send North Oak Cliff book information to Hannah Coxon. Kenda North Not Started
Research repainting street lights for potential HOC grant funding. Saul Reyes, Larry Worden, Mike McVey WIP (grant submitted to HOC)
Research movie night costs (e.g., screen, etc.) for potential HOC grant funding. Mike McVey WIP (grant submitted to HOC)
Research funding annual SPENA Block Party with HOC grant funding. Mike McVey WIP (grant submitted to HOC)
Round with SPENA residents to promote membership. Saul Reyes WIP
Send highlights to include in Member Marketing Flyer to Hannah Coxon. Saul Reyes WIP
Draft Membership Marketing Flyer for Board review. Hannah Coxon WIP
Get price quotes for Iris bulbs and discuss use (e.g., welcome baskets, selling on Earth Day, etc.); Need input from Peggy when she needs for baskets. Saul Reyes, Peggy Shipp WIP can order if we want


Investigate how to engage with Annie L Stevens Trust (managed by Foundations Dallas) as a potential funding resource for SPENA opportunities. These funds are strictly designated for the elderly and children at risk. We will try for their “Summer Grant Cycle” for park infrastructure improvements. Saul Reyes, Carol Rybarski, Jim Barnes WIP
Assign Board Members to distribute Block Party Flyers Carol Rybarski/Larry Worden Complete
Contact Ben Mackey to attend Annual Business Meeting Kenda North Complete
Mock-up up a new social media page on the existing FB site to present to Board for review Hannah Coxon Complete
Decisions Made by Date
Form two Park sub-committees: 1) Playground, and 2) Infrastructure.

Annie Stevens Park rezoning from Oak Cliff Boulevard to Laurette





Next Meeting
Next meeting: TBD

Meeting minutes taken by Mary Calvo

(Click here for PDF version of  6-17-24 SPENA Board Meeting Minutes

Mary Calvo

Author Mary Calvo

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