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March 28, 2023

By March 28, 2023June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, President; Peggy Shipp, Vice-President; Nathan Cox, Treasurer; Nancy and Riley Willson, Co-Secretaries, Jim Barnes, Historian, Kenda North, Communications Chair, Joanna Robben, Greenspace Representative

  1. Welcome- Carol Rybarski
  2. Treasurer’s Report-SPENA has 5 new members; the link on PayPal is broken, but the issue is getting resolved; Carol R. stated that there are frequent e-mail questions asking how to rent Annie Stevens Park, the writers should be and struck the two called 311; the appropriate form has been submitted for the 2022 tax filing; if a donation-in-kind is made a letter should be sent to the donor just acknowledging the donation, without any monetary amount noted.
  3. Social Chair Report-None
  4. New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report-None
  5. Social Media Report- See New Business below
  6. Historian Report- Members present asked Jim B to submit a monthly note/article for the website, since his prior submissions have been so well received
  7. HOC Representative Report-Carol Somers Clark reported to Carol R that there is no report
  8. Greenspace Representative Report-Joanna R reported that Greenspace has agreed to help pay a group of youngsters for a design project at Sylvan and Kessler Parkway
  9. NOCCUP Report-None
  10. Old Business
  11. Easter Egg Hunt in Annie Stevens Park-Jessica fox Chair, it is ready to go. Carol R will provide donuts and coffee
  12. Block Party May 6, 2023-Peggy Shipp Chair
  • The Pittengers (Lucky Pierres) will provide the music, have been asked and agreed, probably 4 the same fee as last year
  • Food will be provided by Damian/Crossbuck BBQ (he cannot attend, but he will send someone he works with), from either noon to 3:00 PM or 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, price still needs to be determined, Action Item: Peggy S will follow-up
  • Fire truck-it may be possible to sign up for the request for the truck on the website, or may have to contact Fire Department

Action Item: Peggy S will follow up

  • Pinata-

Action Item: Peggy S will be in charge of getting the pinata to AS Park, and the set-up

  • Crafts Table (Beads)

Action Item:  Mary Alice Ayers will be in charge of the crafts table

  • Flyers-SPENA members will pass out flyers for the event

Action Item: Kenda N will send Peggy S the information for the flyer

Action Item: Peggy S will prepare the flyers

  • Jump House- after discussion, decision was that there will be a Jump House

Action Item: Peggy S will arrange

  1. New Business
  2. Kenda N-There are monthly Minutes missing from the SPENA website for 2022 (March, April, May and Oct)

Action Item- Secretaries will submit the Minutes

  1. SPENA Business Meeting May 16, 2023 at 6:30 pm Stevens Park Golf Course Clubhouse
  • Karen Woodard, Arborist, Speaker
  • Kyle Wick will present suggestions for the “upgrading” of Annie Stevens Park (including a dog park). He and Chad West have discussed, and want to consider the upgrades for the next bond election
  1. Website needs updating, Kenda N has been in contact with web designer Vickie Gouge of Full Moon Designs

Action Item: Kenda asked all Board members to look at the website and determine what information needs to be updated

  1. Facebook-GED will no longer be able to take care of Facebook, it also needs to be updated

Action Item: Board needs to find someone who will assume responsibility for Facebook

Action Item: Carol R will contact GED re: Facebook password

  1. Emails- Board should consider putting in a “Did You Know…” section
  2. Intersection of Colorado and Nort Oak Cliff- Carol R has spoken with Chad West. Being considered (for traffic control reasons and safety) are curb cuts and a “skinny median” in the middle of the intersection
  3. Meeting Closure-Approximately 9 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held April 25, 2023 at 7 pm at the home of Carol Rybarski.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy and Riley Willson


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