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June 28, 2022

By June 28, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, Carol Somers-Clark, Mary Alice Ayers, Nathan Cox, Kenda North, Joanna Robben, Nancy Roper Willson

Business Meeting:

  1. Minutes approved from April 2022 BOD and May 2022 General Meeting.
  2. Treasurer’s Report- Nathan Cox reported that SPENA has 82 household members, with 3 new members since his last report.
  3. President’s Report- Carol Rybarski: Fort Worth Ave Development-Jim Barnes has been going to the meetings; Jim Barnes has been cleaning up Atlantic from homeless groups living in the area; Concern about Donation Stations not being properly maintained; Any kind of concern, other than emergencies, can be reported to 311 and that data goes into a system in the city. Kenda will push out the importance of 311 reports; Stefanie Wick has had to resign as Social Media Chairperson and a replacement needs to be found; Maintenance of the Triangle at North Oak Cliff and Plymouth-John Ellis has done this maintenance for years and is wanting to step back. Carol reported that there are baby agavas all in the triangle and she wants to harvest them and have a sale. Perhaps we can have a work day in September and sell the baby agavas at the First Friday in October. We may need to have a training session on volunteers to maintain the triangle, perhaps one month per year per person. Jim Barnes needs to interview John Ellis on the history of the triangle; Brother Bill’s Backpacks for back-to-school-on the website we could invite people to give through this effort. Kenda will push out on our website and SPENA Board supports the program and that you can either go to Amazon or if you buy a backpack, e-mail SPENA at board@ stevenspark and it will be picked up.; First Fridays- Peggy was not able to attend this meeting. First Friday is not done in July, August is scheduled to be at the mini golf facility. We still need volunteers for September and November First Fridays. The Christmas party will be at Mary Alice’s home and October will be at Russ and Erica Snooks home; Sidewalk Update-perhaps Kip, landscaper who lives on Old Orchard, would be a good resource to discuss how to landscape the sidewalks attractively. Carol still plans to ask for the AARP grant. Carol has not yet been able to get back with the person at FOCPand her landscaping contact. Kenda will give Carol the contact information for Ms. Abrams.
  4. Historian Report-Jim Barnes was unable to attend, but prior to the meeting, he sent Kenda a 10-page history of the Middlebrook sisters and an article for the July ‘newsletter” on Plymouth Road.
  5. Carol Somers-Clark presented an update on Heritage Oak Cliff. The annual meeting is July 11, 2022 Carol S-C will be out of town and Carol Rybarski will attend.
  6. Mary Alice Ayers stated that she is continuing to deliver Welcome baskets to new neighbors. It is working smoothly with Kenda getting updated information on new neighbors to Mary Alice, such that Mary Alice can follow-up.; New Neighbor Brunch-we have not done since 2019, due to COVID. We will plan on the 2022 Brunch in September or October and will invite new neighbors from 2020 through 2022; Mary Alice purchased a very large portable bin for storage of the supplies for the Cinco de Mayo Bead Booth, as well as other supplies such as bubbles, sidewalk chalk, baseball and bat and things for the nature scavenger hunt. She also has written instructions for the activities/use of the supplies.
  7. Meeting Closure-the meeting closed at approximately 8:17 PM

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be the last Tuesday in August, TBA.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy and Riley Willson


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