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April 26, 2022

By April 26, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, Carole Somers-Clark, Mary Alice Ayers, Nancy Roper Willson, Riley Willson, Jim Barnes, Joanna Robben, Peggy Shipp

  1. Welcome by Carol Rybarski
  2. Treasurer’s Report

Nathan Cox prior submitted the Treasurer’s Report

  1. Social Chair Report

The March 2022 First Friday was at the home of Peggy Shipp and was well attended

The next First Friday is June 3 and will be at the home of Heather and Brad Stevens

  1. New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report

Mary Alice Ayers has delivered two Welcome Baskets since the past meeting

  1. Social Media Report

No report

  1. Historian Report

Jim Barnes has created a brief summary of the history of the Second Christian Science Church, along with a picture and link to additional information.

Jim also noted that SPE is approaching its 100th year anniversary in either 1925 or 1926

Plan: He will send the Summary of the Second Christian Science Church to Kenda North for posting

  1. HOC Representative Report

No Report

  1. Greenspace Representative Report

Greenspace is noting that the SP Golf Course is approaching it’s 100th anniversary, and will want to commemorate that milestone

  1. NOCCUP Report
  2. Old Business
  3. Insurance for Board Members: Carol Rybarski attempted to contact both the Kessler and Winnetka Heights neighborhood associations, but neither contact person responded to her email inquiry re: Insurance. Members continued to support exploring the topic. It was suggested to contact Friends of the Oak Cliff Parks to see what is in place for its Board members.

Plan: Carol Rybarski will continue to speak to other associations to ascertain if they have insurance coverage for their Board members.


  1. May Business Meeting will be May 17, 2022 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Stevens Park Golf Course Clubhouse. It is open to anyone who lives in SPE. The speaker’s and topics scheduled are as follows:

Ann Hagan-Gateway Park

Joseph Beckham -Coombs Creek


Carol Rybarski will present the business report, and asked each Board/Committee member to briefly present on his/her appointed area. Kenda North will speak on the Purple Bag Project to inform attendees of what was being done during covid, when we were not able to gather in person. Nathan Cox will give an update on number of households belonging to SPENA.

  1. AARP Grant (for sidewalk improvement in SPE)-Carol Rybarski reported that this grant will be pursued for next year, which will give time to prepare an effective grant proposal.

Carol R asked for guidance from Better Block on the designing of the curbs in SPE for ADA compliance, along with aesthetic appeal, but Better Block staff was not able to provide positive guidance. Carol learned that Better Block is partnering with AARP for benches to be placed in Annie Stevans Park.


Carol will continue to pursue the blending of the functional with the aesthetic for new curbs by contacting a landscape architect.

Update on the conversion of Hotel Miramar- Jennifer Snow, an SPE resident is transitioning off as Commissioner of the Dallas Citizen’s Homelessness Commission. Wes Keyes, Executive Director of Brother Bill’s, is transitioning into Jennifer’s place. Carole Somers-Clark provided an information sheet on the current status of the project and the next steps to be taken, including the adoption of the “Good Neighbor Agreement”.

  1. May Block Party will be on May 7, 2022, from noon to 4 PM. Peggy Shipp is the coordinator. Kenda North found a roll of tickets that will be used when someone purchases a meal to be provided by the Hamburger Man (Truck). The flat cost for a meal is ~$15.00, which includes meal, tax and tip. Electricity for the Bounce House and Lucky Pierres Band will be provided by Saul Reyes and Mike Argy, who live across the street from Annie Stevens Park. There will not be a Fire Truck this year. In lieu of face painting, there will be stickers.


Nathan Cox will be at the table to sell the tickets for the Hamburger Man

Carol R, Joanna R and Carole S-C will assure that the requisite electrical cords are available for the  Bounce House and the Lucky Pierres Band

The Robbens will be in charge of the street barricades

Carol R and Carole S-C will bring the two folding tables

Peggy Shipp will be in charge of bringing the snacks and cold drinks

Carol R will bring ice in chests

Carol R is in charge of the Nature Treasure Hunt for the children

Mary Alice A is in charge of a bead-work table/activity for the children

Peggy S is in charge of bringing the pinata

  1. New Business

Placing of signs for SPENA events- several people volunteered to place SPENA event signs on their blocks, then to keep and store the signs until the next event. Those who volunteered were Carol R, Carole S-C, Mary Alice A, Nancy and Riley W, and Kenda North (Kenda usually does the triangle, the park, the NE corner of Old Orchard and North OC, and the corner of North OC and Colorado.

  1. Meeting Closure- 8:30 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the home of TBA

Respectfully submitted, Nancy and Riley Willson


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