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28 September 2021

By December 17, 2021June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Home of Carole Somers-Clark

Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Carol Rybarksi, Social; Joanna Robben, GreenSpace Rep; Ellie Hajek; Kenda North; Heather Perlowski


  1. Water available in Annie Stevens Park!

Carol Rybarski, working with the Friends of Oak Cliff Parks, has succeeded in getting water

To the Park.  She is able to use a ‘quick connect’ from the water line to the drinking fountain.

This means we can water the area, including the ‘triangle’.   We are looking for neighbors who would like to help Carol improve our public landscaping.


  1. Purple Bag Project: Will resume in November and run through February.  Kenda will set out notices.
  2. Heritage Oak Cliff is sponsoring Passport Oak Cliff on October 23rd and 24th (this fundraiser was previously organized as the Old Oak Cliff Home Tour). The funds that are raised go to grants to neighborhoods (see # 4 below).

SPENA will participate in Passport by hosting participants at the Stone Pavilion on Colorado. We will have representatives of the Coombs Creek Conservation group and information about this important WPA structure.  Participants will pick up a map of Stevens Park Estates to do a drive by tour of 5 selected homes (representing five architectural styles).  We are seeking volunteers to help ‘staff’ the Pavilion for that Saturday and Sunday, 10 to 4 pm.

  1. Sidewalk extension @ N Oak Cliff and Lauraette. The SPENA Board completed a grant application to Heritage Oak Cliff to extend the sidewalk along Oak Cliff Blvd. to reach Lauraette Street and the park. The total cost is $6,500; we requested $4,000 to cover 60% of the project.  The announcement of the Award will be done during Passport Weekend.
  2. Social Events (Carol)

There are no social events planned.

  1. Memory Tree project

Carol Rybarski has proposed initiating a Memory Tree area in Annie Stevens Park to remember neighbors we have lost.  This is possible now that we have accessible water.

  1. Halloween

October 31st falls on a Sunday this year.  The Board proposes we go ahead with Halloween.  Eddie Robben will get barricades but we will not fund police patrol for the evening.

  1. There was general consensus that we need to bring in new Board members for 2022 and everyone is encouraged to reach out to neighbors.

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be October 26 @ 7:00. Location:

Respectfully submitted, Kenda North.


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