Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kathryn Warren, Past-President; Heather Perlowski, Social Media; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Kenda North, Communications; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; John Ellis, Treasurer; and Michelle Touchet, Secretary
- Treasurer’s Report-John
- 2 new dues
- Paid website bill
- Directory-Kenda
- Time to move to an online format
- Cost ~$400 for Vicky Gouge <go***@fu*****************.com> to create our database
- She would plug it into our website
- Basic information, but members could go in and update their info
- John and Kenda will still need to generate an excel sheet with the basic data
- Website & Social Media-Heather
- Facebook-combined and updated
- Instagram-pics uploaded, Stevens_Park_Estates_SPENA
- NextDoor-n/a
- (website) up to date with meeting minutes
- Social Events-Carol R.
- Annual Business Meeting-Postponed until ??
- Block Party-should we cancel or do a modified party
- Food truck with pre-orders?
- Some neighborhoods are doing this
- FINAL DECISION-Cancel, don’t want someone to get sick at Our event!
- COVID19 Update-Carol R.
- 60+ stay at home
- Cancel all non-essential events
- For events: hand washing, social distancing, etc…
- HOC Grants-Jane
- Deadline May 15, 2020
- Irrigation for triangle park
- Need to make sure we know who “owns” this property (The City of Dallas owns it.)
- Past investigations showed irrigation prohibitively expensive
- Website design (2020 online directory project)
- Kenda will write up a draft proposal for the online directory project
- Social Activities (2021 block party)
- Carole R. can provide verbiage and cost to include in this grant application
- Kathryn to provide past grants to Jane for her information (i.e matching grants for sidewalks)
- Greenspace-Carol A.
- Past 2 meetings have been cancelled
- Golf tournament has been scheduled for October
- Will put out a mission statement to let folks know who is responsible for all the beauty they are currently enjoying!
- Can join/donate GreenSpace
- Joe R. has been doing great PR on NextDoor for GreenSpace
The next Board Mtg will be May 26th @ 7:00 Virtually (Michelle to set up Zoom)
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.