Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kenda North, Past President, Constant Contact Rep; John Ellis, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Jane Rogers, Heritage Oak Cliff Rep; Heather Perlowski, Social Media Coordinator
- Financials, Ellis
- 50 households paid to date
- Financial details in report
- Savings vs Checking Account.
- We have a square!
- Will provide a spreadsheet of the addresses who have paid
- Social, Rybarski
- First Friday-Cooper’s Meat Market—please go because they have been very generous
- Yard Sale,
April 18 (minimum 10 houses participating, encourage partnering/clustering with
a neighbor)
- Mary Alice Ayers, Jane Rogers, and Michelle Touchet to co-coordinate
- No balloons or donuts
- Contact a non-profit to pick up left-overs
- It happens to be on bulk trash weekend
- Send Kenda link to garage sale permit
- Block Party
- DATE: May 9, 12:00-4:00
- Hamburger Man to cater
- Lucky Pierre’s to perform
- Easter Egg
- 9:00 am start
- Kathryn Warren to Coordinate
Annual Meeting
- May—Carol R. to call golf course to determine available dates
- Possible speaker: arborist (City of Dallas or Master Naturalists), school board rep (Ben Mackey & Chad West)
- Welcome
- Jane Rogers will help Carol R create and deliver
- Directory, North
- Selling ads
- Split businesses to cover more
- Kenda to tweak sales flier
- Kenda and John to work together to access Constant Contact
- Carole’s daughter to help with formatting
- Selling ads
- Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC), Rogers
- Requesting updated information for our Board
- Participate in the Census
- GoodSpace,
David Spence, requesting a variance
- Parking spaces
- Rooftop signs “TyPo” Tyler Polk
- La Calle Doce, March 10, from 6-8:30 pm “get acquainted” gathering with neighborhood association officers
water for the triangle across the street from Annie Stevens Park
- John Ellis is researching plausibility
The next meeting will be held at the home of John Ellis: 1043 Plymouth, March 24, 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet