SPENA Meeting, January 28, 2020, at the home of Carole Somers-Clark
In attendance: John Ellis, Carol Rybarski, Kenda North, Jane Rogers, Carole Somers-Clark, Kathryn Warren, Heather Perlowski
- Treasurer’s
Report (John Ellis)
- Discussion of the best way to keep track of who has paid dues. John to consult with Alisha Senour, the former treasurer.
- Discussion of how boards are elected. Possibility of revisiting bylaws.
- Social
calendar (Carol Rybarski)
- Host needed for March 6 First Friday; alternative would be to have the event at a bar.
- Question of whether First Fridays are still the best way to build SP community. Consensus seems to be that they are working.
- Dash for the Beads, 2/22; Heather and Carol to take charge of table for runners at corner of Plymouth and Colorado.
- Event signs: we will aim for a more even distribution of signs after the next neighborhood event.
- Revised
directory (Kenda North)
- Discussion of the preferred format: print or online? Seems to be a preference for print, bringing in advertising revenue.
- Possibility of getting grant from Heritage Oak Cliff to help with costs of directory.
- Kathryn, Jane offered to help Kenda with directory.
- SPENA Board members to be more diligent about soliciting new information at membership party.
- Christian Science Church (Carole Somers-Clark) could be sold in the near future. Something to keep an eye on, seeing as the building is part of the SP Conservation District.
- Next meeting: February 25, 7 pm, at the home of Carol Rybarski (1935 Colorado)
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Warren