Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Erik & Christine Kulstad, Vice President; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; Kenda North, Past-President and Communications
- Treasurer’s Report, Senour sent report via email
- Peggy and
Brett interested in joining SPENA
- Are the interested in joining the board, too? Ask Alisha
- Peggy and
Brett interested in joining SPENA
- Nominee Ideas for 2020 Board, Warren
- Alisha does not want to run for treasurer again
- Nathan Cox for Treasurer
- Kat Davenport for Social Media
- Frank Pittenger for Secretary (co-office holders with Michelle/wife)
- Mess on Colorado
- City? Park Dept? Water?
- Ruined the ‘park’ area
- How can we get that creek area cleaned up?
- Neighborhood group trying to pull together a cleanup crew (Cheryl to investigate)
- Methodist Hospital, Warren
- Fitness center to be in a NO BUILD zone
- Methodist to sell hospital? Petition?—bd decision-not on spena site
- Social Chair Report, Rybarski via Warren
- Checks from
HOC in support of events
- Cinco de Mayo
- Equipment at Stevens Park Elementary
- Ged Dipprey to host August First Friday
- Checks from
HOC in support of events
- Fundraiser, Aukeman
- GOAL: have them for membership mtg 1/2020
- Order by September
- Bags $3/cost
- Goal to sell 500
- Kayli to help design, open to a broad audience (not exclusively SP)
The next Board Mtg will be July 23 at a location TBD.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.