Attendees: Erik Kulstad, Vice Presidents; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Kenda North, Past President; Ellie Hajek
- Discussion of recent demolition on Colorado Blvd.
- Social Chair Report, Rybarski
- Next First Friday at Douglass Klahr and Arlan Miller, 2020 Marydale, April 5, 2019
August First Friday host
- Lindsay and Forest Patterson-possible?
- Block Party
Cinco de Mayo-4th of May, noon-4:00 @ Annie Stevens Park
- Band lined up
- Bounce House lined up
- Face Painter (Kathryn to contact her)
- Hamburger Man lined up (too late to change to Damian/Lockhart, but aim for next year)
- First Friday, 3 of May—move to second Friday? Move to August? Move to July? (Kenda emailed Mike Argy to see which he prefers)
- Treasurer’s Report, Senour
- ~$8880 balance (7 new households joined, for 57 total, last year ended with 77)
- $100 donation from Calvos (need to write a thank you note still?)
- Melissa Jordan gave $100 – also need to write thank you note
- IRS 990 post card has been filed by Alisha, previous year filing appears to be pending, for unclear reason
- Survey Report, updates
- REQUESTS: Creek clean-up – golf course workers mentioned that they aren’t required to clean up now after new superintendent arrived – will reach out via golfer(s)
- More Art: See Greenspace contributions
- Progressive
Dinner: Monty & Mary Alice interested in participating
- Fundraiser
- Food
donated from local businesses
- Cooper’s Meat Mkt
- Cretia’s
- April 27th is It’s My Park Day- Spring 2019 – TBD contact person, Carol Rybarski volunteered
- Fundraiser
- Cheryl looking into shopping bag
- Possibly ask Kaylee to design an image/saying
- General-Annual Business Meeting – Set for Wednesday 22nd
of May
- Realtor:
- Crystal not able (per Alisha), Ged (Kathryn)
- City Councilperson: Chad-? (Kathryn to talk to him at Cheryl F.’s fundraiser)
- Realtor:
- Heritage
Oak Cliff, Somers-Clark (not in attendance)
- Stevens Park elementary project – upcoming grant cycle, can we apply, and for how much?
- Beautification Projects, Warren (as per Ellie)
- Operation Beautification is May 18, after the May 4th block party, so will focus on It’s My Park Day
- Membership, Warren
- Welcome
- Across from Erik & Christine (Matt and Mary)
- Kathryn’s across the street neighbor (?)
- need to be invited to new neighbor brunch
- New person next to rock lawn house
- Mayflower across Monty and MaryAlice
- Welcome
- Social Media-FB, Constant Contact “tweaking” – check if SJ is on SPENA email?
The next meeting will be held at the home of Carole Somers-Clark on April 23rd @ 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Erik Kulstad.