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March 26, 2019

By March 28, 2019Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Erik Kulstad, Vice Presidents; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Kenda North, Past President; Ellie Hajek

  1. Discussion of recent demolition on Colorado Blvd. 
  2. Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. Next First Friday at Douglass Klahr and Arlan Miller, 2020 Marydale, April 5, 2019
    1. NEED: August First Friday host
      1. Lindsay and Forest Patterson-possible?
    1. Block Party Cinco de Mayo-4th of May, noon-4:00 @ Annie Stevens Park
      1. Band lined up
      1. Bounce House lined up
      1. Face Painter (Kathryn to contact her)
      1. Hamburger Man lined up (too late to change to Damian/Lockhart, but aim for next year)
    1. First Friday, 3 of May—move to second Friday? Move to August? Move to July? (Kenda emailed Mike Argy to see which he prefers)
  3. Treasurer’s Report, Senour
    1. ~$8880 balance (7 new households joined, for 57 total, last year ended with 77)
    1. $100 donation from Calvos (need to write a thank you note still?)
    1. Melissa Jordan gave $100 – also need to write thank you note
    1. IRS 990 post card has been filed by Alisha, previous year filing appears to be pending, for unclear reason
  4. Survey Report, updates
    1. REQUESTS: Creek clean-up – golf course workers mentioned that they aren’t required to clean up now after new superintendent arrived – will reach out via golfer(s)
    1. More Art: See Greenspace contributions
    1. Progressive Dinner: Monty & Mary Alice interested in participating
      1. Fundraiser
      1. Food donated from local businesses
        1. Cooper’s Meat Mkt
        1. Cretia’s
  5. April 27th is It’s My Park Day- Spring 2019 – TBD contact person, Carol Rybarski volunteered
  6. Fundraiser
    1. Cheryl looking into shopping bag
    1. Possibly ask Kaylee to design an image/saying
  7. General-Annual Business Meeting – Set for Wednesday 22nd of May
    1. Realtor:
      1. Crystal not able (per Alisha), Ged (Kathryn)
    1. City Councilperson: Chad-? (Kathryn to talk to him at Cheryl F.’s fundraiser)
  8. Heritage Oak Cliff, Somers-Clark (not in attendance)
    1. Stevens Park elementary project – upcoming grant cycle, can we apply, and for how much?
  9. Beautification Projects, Warren (as per Ellie)
    1. Operation Beautification is May 18, after the May 4th block party, so will focus on It’s My Park Day
  10. Membership, Warren
    1. Welcome Baskets
      1. Across from Erik & Christine (Matt and Mary)
      1. Kathryn’s across the street neighbor (?)
      1. need to be invited to new neighbor brunch
      1. New person next to rock lawn house
      1. Mayflower across Monty and MaryAlice
  11. Social Media-FB, Constant Contact “tweaking” – check if SJ is on SPENA email?

The next meeting will be held at the home of Carole Somers-Clark on April 23rd @ 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Erik Kulstad.


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