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February 26, 2019

By March 5, 2019Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Christine & Erik Kulstad, Vice Presidents; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Rep; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; SJ Sellers, Social Media Consultant (sj*******@po***.com)

  1. Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. Second Friday-@ The Cliff House hosted by Deavon and Baineses
    1. NEED: August First Friday host
      1. Lindsay and Forest Patterson-possible?
    1. Block Party Cinco de Mayo-4th of May, noon-4:00 @ Annie Stevens Park
      1. Band lined up
      1. Bounce House lined up
      1. Face Painter (Katherine to contact her)
      1. Hamburger Man lined up
    1. First Friday, 3 of May—move to second Friday? Move to August? Move to July? (Kathrine to talk to Mike Argy to see which he prefers)
  2. Treasurer’s Report, Senour
    1. 50 Households Paid (25%- about 2% higher than this time last year)
    1. ~$8000 balance
    1. $100 donation from Calvos (need to write a thank you note)
    1. P. O. Box payment
  3. Survey Report, Kulstad
    1. 18 reponses (9% response rate)
    1. REQUESTS: Creek clean-up
    1. Creek Clean up mentioned—Cheryl F. to talk to Greenspace about this
    1. “Older kid” playground equipment (ideas from Flagpole Hill park)
      1. Need to investigate city impact
    1. More Art: See Greenspace contributions
    1. Progressive Dinner: Monty & Mary Alice interested in participating
      1. Fundraiser
      1. Food donated from local businesses
        1. Cooper’s Meat Mkt
        1. Cretia’s
  4. Fundraiser
    1. Cheryl to look into shopping bag
    1. Possibly ask Kaylee to design an image/saying
  5. Dash for the Beads-water station
    1. Cheryl, Kenda, Carole, Kathryn and Eleanor (volunteers)
    1. Water Station to be staffed by 9:00 am to receive supplies
    1. Race starts at 9:30 am
  6. General-Annual Business Meeting
    1. Realtor:
      1. Crystal(Alisha), Ged (Kathryn)
    1. City Councilperson: Chad-? (Kathryn to talk to him at Cheryl F.’s fundraiser)
  7. Heritage Oak Cliff, Somers-Clark
    1. Home Tour didn’t generate as much income
    1. Had been “eating into” their savings
    1. So…grant monies available have significantly decreased
  8. Beautification Projects, Warren (as per Ellie)
    1. Operation Beautification
      1. May 18
      1. Park clean up (pinchers and bags provided by The City)
      1. Can we clean up the creek? (Warren to ask if this is possible)
    1. All Things Beautification Workshop
  9. Membership, Warren
    1. Welcome Baskets
      1. Across from Erik & Christine (Matt and Mary)
      1. Kathryn’s across the street neighbor (
      1. need to be invited to new neighbor brunch
  10. Social Media-FB, Constant Contact “tweeking”

The next meeting will be held at the home of the Kenda North (1824 Mayflower) on March 26 @ 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.


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