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April 10, 2018

By April 24, 2018Uncategorized

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Eric and Christine Kulstad, Co-Vice Presidents; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Co-Rep; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC) Rep; Cheryl Freydberg, Greenspace Co-Rep; Kenda North, Past President

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Senour
    1. $8658.98 in cash
    2. Availability of a square? Will ask Michelle S.
    3. Reworked budget with new numbers
      1. Member fees are covering social expenses
      2. Other fees cut into savings
  • Need another fundraising mechanism in order to continue spending at current rate
  1. Where did current savings come from?
    1. It’s always been there? Hard to fund raise if we have so much in savings.
    2. We can do the Sidewalk project this time but won’t be able to in two years without fundraising.
  2. Thoughts about pressing neighbors to become members?
  3. Kathryn to write a nudging message for Constant Contact. Also, comment on what percentage of each street has joined.
  1. New Events signs will be printed and distributed to a new group of sign posters
  2. Flip Cause-we probably don’t have enough transactions to warrant
  1. Membership Report, Warren
    1. Welcome basket for 1905 Old Orchard, Allison and Jeff
  • Social Chair Report, Rybarski
    1. 15 Houses participating in the SPENA yard sale, April 14, 8-noon
      1. Signs for yards and neighborhood
      2. Donuts for participating homes
    2. Block Party
      1. $5/meal from The Hamburger Man-SPENA will cover the $6
        1. (Lockhart may be a source in the future)
      2. May 5, noon-4:00
  • Bounce house, tables, chairs, face painting, piñata, fire truck
  1. Good chance to have folks pay membership dues
  2. Square and Wine from Michelle S. (Senour will be absent)
  1. Beautification project—trash pickup, May 19
    1. Kathryn to sign up us for this
  2. HOC Report, Somers-Clark
    1. Davis Street Corridor Zoning
      1. Created a “look” of separate buildings
      2. Lucia-Xtra
  • Need to make our opinion known regarding 1:3 v 1:1 and 5 story buildings
  1. Keep and eye out for the email announcing the next Zoning meeting (possibly from Scott Griggs)
  1. Sidewalks: $619 is the SPENA cost
    1. 5 houses have taken advantage of this opportunity
  2. Other possibilities for grants
    1. Put in a water system in the triangle across from Annie Stevens
    2. Support another school project
  3. Greenspace Report, Adinoff & Freydberg
    1. Momentum: City Program to pay for irrigation for a green space we take “official” responsibility for (sponsor)
      1. Need to fill out application, notarize
      2. Check with John to find out what his thoughts are since he’s the one who has been doing the watering and landscaping. Carole S-C will contact him.
    2. Propose a sidewalk situated on N Oak Cliff Blvd adjacent to golf course, stop before the residences, west side of the street
      1. Scott Griggs said there was still some bond money available to pay for this
      2. In the meantime, they will put small bumps on the road delineating a pedestrian area on the street
    3. East Kessler Island-Combs Creek Trail as the location of the art piece
      1. Neighborhood-friendly
    4. Annual General Meeting, Warren
      1. May 10 at the Stevens Park Golf Course, 6:30-8:30 pm
      2. Location: On the porch, tend to audibility (HOC has a great portable mic)
      3. Purpose: speakers and advertise SPENA as a group and what we’re doing
      4. Possible Speakers: Scott Griggs, HOC, Turner House, Greenspace, NOCCUP

The next meeting will be held at the home of Eric and Christine Kulstad on June 19 @ 7:00 pm. There will not be a meeting in May.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet


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