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November 14, 2017

By January 16, 2018Uncategorized

Location: Michelle Touchet’s House, 1909 Old Orchard Dr

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Representative; Carole Somers-Clark, Co-OOCCL Rep; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer; Ellie Hajek, Co-OOCCL Rep; Eric & Christine, members

  1. Financials
    1. Currently 77 members
    2. Halloween paid for
  2. Social
    1. December First Friday @ Cheryl Freydberg’s, December 1
    2. Membership Party @ Carol Rybarski’s, January 27, 2018
    3. Welcome Basket Needed-Jayson Montoya
    4. Halloween needs a new representative for 2018
      1. Bryon retiring from the position
      2. Primary job is to be contact person with DPS
  • Old Oak Cliff Conservation League (OOCCL)
    1. Home Tour VERY successful- Hope to give it to the Neighborhood Association in form of grants (in coordination with other groups)
    2. Heritage Oak Cliff grant project-Outdoor classroom at Stevens Park Elementary-Completed
  1. Conservation District Amendment Committee
    1. SPENA Board voted to continue to be a neutral source of information about the process but not to take a position on the effort.
    2. Will provide ongoing information/updates
  2. Future SPENA Board
    1. VP-needed
    2. Treasurer-lead
    3. Secretary-lead


The next meeting will be held Location: TBD, Date/Time: TBD February.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet


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