SPENA Board Meeting Meeting Minutes February 23, 2017
Board Members Present | Julie Helwig, President; Kathryn Warren, Vice President; Michelle Stellmaker, Acting Secretary; Kenda North, Past President; Cheryl Freydberg, Social; Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL; Bryon Adinoff, North Oak Cliff Greenspace; Michelle Touchet |
Action Items Summary:
Action | Responsible | Due Date |
Financials: Increase paid memberships via directory distribution | all | ongoing |
Financials: Tweak membership application | Ellie | before March 6 |
Financials: Ask Green Space about water fountains | Bryon | next Green Space mtg |
Financials: Ask city about fountains | Ellie | ASAP |
Directory: Print out 250 membership applications | Michelle | March 6 |
Social: Place signs RE: neighborhood event | Kenda | March 2 |
Social: Provide Cheese and Chutney platter | Cheryl, Kenda | March 3 (FF) |
Social: Ask Mike & Saul if they can host another month | Cheryl | By March 21 |
By-Laws: Create draft version of current by-laws | Julie | March 21 |
Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Michelle Stellmaker will be acting as the Secretary for this Board meeting. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Helwig residence, 1826 Marydale.
Financials: (Michelle S.)
- Brian VanderMolen has been taken off the SPENA Savings Account.
- Michelle Stellmaker will be responsible for going to the bank to conduct business.
- Membership-currently at 37 paid memberships; lower than this point last year; membership party was lightly attended this year
- Confirmed sidewalk and pet waste stations reimbursement from OOCCL (Grant)
- Still no word on the status of the water fountains
- Will provide membership applications (half-sheet format) with delivered directories
- Action Item: Ellie will tweak the membership application
- Action Item: Increase paid memberships (via directory distribution)
- Action Item: Bryan will ask about water fountains at next Green Space meeting
- Action Item: Ellie will ask the city about water fountains
- 24 of the directories have been printed; the rest of the directories will be printed by Monday (2.27)
- Cheryl will be out of town, so we’ll distribute the directories the week of March 6
- Volunteers to deliver: Pittengers (Old Orchard); Nicholsons; Rybarski
- Action Item: Michelle to print out 250 membership applications to go with the directory distribution
Dash for the Beads: (Julie)
- Need volunteers to staff our water station at the corner of Colorado and Plymouth
- Dash will provide Gatorade; Rob Lee will provide tables; Michelle Touchet will provide large igloo beverage dispenser
Social: (Cheryl)
- First Fridays are experiencing lower attendance (may be due to new families with young children?)
- Focusing on more ‘family’ events to include more neighbors
- March First Friday (March 3); Host: Meredith Petree (Marydale)
- April Events
o Garage sale-promote via Facebook, Constant Contact; remind individuals they must be permitted (free online application: https://dallascityhall.com/departments/codecompliance/garagesale/DCH%20documents/garageSale_application.pdf)
o Corner Crawl-JC & Rhea Allen and Melissa & Tom Jordan and other house?; details TBD
o Easter Egg Hunt (Toddler Park, April 16, 9:00); Kathryn to coordinate candy and eggs (donations accepted at 2037 Mayflower)
o It’s My Park Day April 22
- May Events
o Block Party (Date pending)
▪ Lucky Pierres to perform (Pittengers, Old Orchard)
▪ Hire Mr. Hamburger at $11 per person (all inclusive – burgers, condiments, sides)
▪ SPENA to cover $6, Neighbor to pay $5 per person (Still to be confirmed)
▪ Possibly ask a select group to bring desserts
▪ Mike and Saul have volunteered to host First Friday in May,
- Action Item: Place signs RE: neighborhood event week of Feb 27
- Action Item: Cheryl and Kenda to provide Cheese and Chutney platter for First Friday. Michelle S, Ellie and Julie will chip in something as well.
By-Laws (Julie)
- Need an electronic ‘working document’ of current by-laws so we can rearrange/edit
- Action Item: Julie to working on Draft version of current by-laws. Michelle offered to see if PDF can be converted.
OOCL Rep: (Ellie)
- Need to recruit a SPENA neighbor to join OOCCL to report and vote SPENA’s interests
- Position is manageable, clearly defined
- OOCCL is a well-established organization with many participating interested parties
Conservation District Update (Kenda and Michelle)
- Petitions have been acquired for each homeowner/household
- 53% of listed owners must sign their purple petition forms in order to move forward with any discussions with The City
- Purple petition forms were discussed with and given to present board members
New Topics:
- OOCCL grant application for this year (Ellie); potential partners include: Stevens Park Elem, Kahn Elem, or Lida Hooe Elem; additional partner would help leverage money and make bigger contribution to the community
- Green Space (Bryon)- Will a donation to this group be on the budget again this year? Answer: Depends on the number of paid members we get; If so, we will give donation during the Green Space Golf Tournament (SPENA sponsor flag on the course)
Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 21, 7:00 pm