Meeting location: Stevens Park Golf Course Clubhouse
Julie Helwig, President & Social Media
Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer
Ellie Hajek, Membership & OOCCL Rep
Cheryl Freydberg, Social Chair
Kenda North, Past-President
Valerie Penn, Secretary
- Financials
Michelle has still not accessed the savings account. (Signers were changed on the checking account but not savings.) She hasn’t had luck on the weekends. She’ll make a trip to the bank during the week.
- Addresses
Decision to abandon project to fund.
Decision to pay vendor for painting the test curbs. $150 check going to Shawn.
- Directory Fundraising
Reviewed submissions for business advertisements.
Still looking for assistance with graphic design or simple Photoshop.
- Website feedback
Working on gathering feedback, adding some pictures of the neighborhood, etc.
- Lighting Update
Working with Scott Griggs’ office to investigate the two dark corners. Department of Street Services will review within the next 10-70 days to determine whether lights are needed.
If the city determines lights are needed, next steps would include discussions with neighbors and identification of funding.
- Social
Halloween coming up. Need to organize the police and barricades and city. Bryon Adinoff to take ownership.
New neighbor brunch. Invitations went out. Sunday Oct 2 from 11am-1pm.
Oct First Friday Oct 7th – Gonzalez Tailgating in backyard
Nov First Friday – Adinoff on Marydale
Home Tour Oct 15 & 16 – still looking for volunteers
- Sidewalks
Limited funding remaining to address a sidewalk issue. Kenda to reach out to get another bid.
Next Board Meeting – Tuesday October 18th
- Review Bylaws