- Julie Helwig, President
- Michelle Stellmaker, Treasurer
- Kenda North, Past President
- Cheryl Freydberg, Social
- Ellie Hajek, Membership
- Bryon Adinoff, Greenspace Rep
- Wilson Meador, NOCOPP Rep
I. Financials
a. Checking balance = $2387.01
b. Savings balance = $5007.34
c. Total balance = $7394.35
d. Deposit for website recently sent = $811.88. total bill = $1623.75
II. Directory
a. We are at the starting line. Kenda is the lead for the project
b. Kenda passed out a spreadsheet for us to indicate who we will speak with to purchase ads for the directory. Hoping to print in Oct.
c. Message has been sent to neighbors via Nextdoor to update their directory info if it has changed.
d. Kenda and Ellie comparing notes for existing directory list.
III. Ellie Updates
a. OOCCL Home Tour Oct 15 and 16 – Seeking volunteers for 303 N. Willomet
b. New resident baskets – Project is bigger than anticipated. Lots of new neighbors! Will include Tom Thumb number on the Resource page. Other neighborhood associations are getting decent Tom Thumb rewards annually.
c. Annie Stevens Water Fountain – Ellie a bit out of the loop. She thought Kurt and Bob were meeting this week. We expect to be billed in Sept. TBD on timing of the fountain.
IV. Website update
a. Julie spoke with Vicky last week. She is getting to work. She expected it to take a couple of weeks to send us a new look for revisions
V. Kenda – Stevens Park CD Revision Meeting
a. Nothing meaningful to report from July 25th meeting (neighbors only not the city)
b. Expect notification from the city soon for another meeting. This is a SLOW process.
VI. Lighting Update
a. Julie and Bryon walked the neighborhood. We used Ellie’s spreadsheet as a guide. Good news – all of our existing lights are working. We (Ellie’s spreadsheet along with our walk) identified a couple of corners that currently do not have lights. E‐mail pending to Scott Griggs’ office to ask about lighting on those corners. It should be noted that Ellie had a couple of corners on her spreadsheet (Marydale & Hampton, Mayflower & Hampton and Old Orchard & Hampton) that we thought were sufficient.
VII. Social
a. September – Confirmed for Sept with JC and Rhea Allen
b. New Member Brunch – Oct 2nd. Invitations will go out mid‐Sept. Cheryl will work on invite.
VIII. Addresses
a. Further research in the works regarding the quality/longevity of Dallas Curb Painting’s work.