(* = Absent) Board Members Committee Chairs *Nathan Cox, President *Lindsey Patterson, Social *Joe Rybarski, NOCUPP *Jessica Faulks, Vice-President Saul Reyes, Beautification & Parks *Mike McVey, Heritage Oak Cliff Larry Worden, Treasurer Peggy Shipp, Welcome Ambassador *Joanna Robben, Greenspace Mary Calvo, Secretary Kenda North, Communications Jim Barnes, Historian Carol Rybarski, Past-President Hannah Coxon, Social Media Agenda Topics Presenter(s) April Board…
SPENA Board Minutes At the home of Carol Rybarski Tuesday, September 26th 7 pm Attendees: Carol Rybarski (President), Nathan Cox (Treasurer), Jim Barnes (Historian), Mary Alice Ayers (Welcome Ambassador), Kenda North (Communications), Joanna Robben (Greenspace Rep) Carol called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Minutes taken by Kenda North Welcome – Carol Rybarski 2. Treasurer Report- Nathan Cox- One…
Annual Business Meeting, Stevens Park Clubhouse Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6:30 pm Guest Speaker: Karen Woodward, City of Dallas Arborist Topic “How to Keep Our Large, Valuable Trees Healthy Business Meeting Agenda: President’s Report-Carol Rybarski: The demographics of SPE are changing with younger families with children moving here. SPENA would like to hear from the families, as to what they…
At the home of Carol Rybarski, 1935 W. Colorado Tuesday April 25, 2023 @ 7 pm Attendees: Carol Rybarski (President), Jim Barnes (Historian), Kenda North (Communications Chair), Nancy Willson (Co-Secretary), Riley Willson (Co-Secretary), Peggy Shipp (Vice-President/Social), Nathan Cox (Treasurer), Carol Somers-Clark (HOC Representative), Joanna Robben (Greenspace Representative), Mary Alice Ayers (Welcome Ambassador) Welcome Treasurer’s Report Social Chair Report New Neighbor’s…