At the home of Carol Rybarski, 1935 W. Colorado
Tuesday April 25, 2023 @ 7 pm
Attendees: Carol Rybarski (President), Jim Barnes (Historian), Kenda North (Communications Chair), Nancy Willson (Co-Secretary), Riley Willson (Co-Secretary), Peggy Shipp (Vice-President/Social), Nathan Cox (Treasurer), Carol Somers-Clark (HOC Representative), Joanna Robben (Greenspace Representative), Mary Alice Ayers (Welcome Ambassador)
- Welcome
- Treasurer’s Report
- Social Chair Report
- New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report- There have been a couple of deaths in the community and the question was raised as to how or if SPENA should send condolences to the family. Mary Alice will be in charge of this and will take a small bouquet of flowers and a card to the family. The card will be signed “Your Neighbors from SPENA”
- Social Media Report
- Historian Report-Carol R sent the Piersons a letter asking them to provide historical information concerning the church to Jim Barnes. J Pierson replied to Jim Barnes and said he had no drawings of the old church. Jim replied and said he had searched at the City for plans and he could find nothing. He asked Pierson if he knew any former members with whom Jim could speak. Mr. Pierson did not reply.
With the Centennial of SPE approaching, there will be several 100 year celebrations of various events. Carol Somers-Clark suggested that SPENA pick one event to sponsor. 9/23/1925 SPE subdivision platted- therefore, SPENA will sponsor a Centennial celebration for this milestone.
- HOC Representative Report-Carol Somers-Clark attended the April meeting, which met at the Kessler Community Church. The deadline for grants is coming soon, but there are no plans for SPENA to apply this year. Carol heard nothing about Passport, but there may be a home tour in Fall 2023
- Greenspace Representative Report-there is work being done on plans for a new clubhouse at Stevens park golf course so that it will be a 2 story building. Greenspace and the golf course are going to do a Centennial celebration of the golf course in 2024. A book is being prepared of all the famous people who have played the Stevens park golf course and there are hopes to announce the new clubhouse at the golf course Centennial celebration.
- NOCCUP Report
- Old Business
- Block Party May 6, 2023-Set to go. Flyers are ready and will be placed in residents’ mailboxes on Thursday or Friday, 4/27 or 4/28/2023. Kenda had the flyers printed at Oak Cliff Print on Jefferson for approximately $100. SPENA we’ll provide plastic ware, cups and paper plates. Damien, the caterer will be out of town but he will send someone. Tickets for food will be $5. Nathan will bring square and tickets. There will be a scavenger hunt-Carol R will talk with Jessica Faulk to be the organizer. The Lucky Pierres’ fee has increased by $100
- May Business Meeting-Kenda passed out copies of the proposed agenda
- Website-Kenda North, Carol Rybarski and Jim Barnes will take the lead in updating the website. A list of required changes will be made by them and given to Vicki at Full Moon to update. Pictures also need to be updated. There needs to be a link to the City of Dallas for Conservation District information, rather than have the information on the SPE website. The website will be static and changing events will be through e-mail/Constant Comment.
- New Business
- Meeting Closure 8:25 pm
The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7 pm at Nancy and Riley Willson’s home, 1940 Old Orchard Drive.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy and Riley Willson