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29 March 2022

By April 30, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, Carole Somers-Clark, Mary Alice Ayers, Nancy Roper Willson, Riley Willson, Jim Barnes, Nathan Cox, Kenda North

Treasurer’s Report
Nathan Cox presented the Treasurer’s Report.

Social Chair Report
No report.

New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report
Mary Alice Ayers has delivered two Welcome Baskets since the past meeting. Members present said they are aware of at least 3-4 additional new neighbors, and will provide locations to Mary Alice.

Social Media Report
No report.

Historian Report
Jim Barnes provided a report on his research of the Second Christian Science Church.

Plan: Jim asked all members to review the report and be prepared to discuss it at the April meeting.

HOC Representative Report
Carole Somers-Clark reported that she and Ellie Hajek attended the HOC grant workshop in order to prepare an application for the grant to cover the sidewalk extension at Lauraette and Oak Cliff Blvd. A week after the workshop, Somers-Clark received an email from the HOC grants chair stating that the SPENA application would not comply with HOC grant requirements.

Greenspace Representative Report
No report.

Old Business
A. Joe Rybarski attended the meeting to discuss with the Board the purchasing of liability insurance to provide a layer of protection for members of the Board, and to bring it in line with many other volunteer organizations. SPENA carries a general liability policy, and the added policy would become an annual budget item. The decision to purchase the additional insurance would require a vote of the Executive Committee.

Plan: Carol Rybarski will investigate what both the Kessler and Winnetka Heights neighborhood associations have in place. Joe Rybarski will explore cost, which he thinks would be in the $500/year range.

B. May Business Meeting will be May 17, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Stevens Park Golf Course clubhouse. It is open to anyone who lives in SPE. The speaker’s topic will be either Coombs Creek and the Deck Park. Carol Rybarski will present the business report.

C. AARP grant (for sidewalk improvement in SPE) will not be pursued this year, due to complexities and timing of required submission, as reported by Carol Rybarski.

D. Update on the conversion of Hotel Miramar- Jennifer Snow, a SPE resident, is District 1’s member of the Dallas Citizen’s Homelessness Commission. City Square is developing the property for homeless housing. The plan is to have a mix of transient residents and a few permanent residents.

New Business
A. Easter Egg Hunt will occur after two years of not being held due to the Covid pandemic. It will be 4/17/22 at 9 am. Kathryn and Jim Warren are in charge.

Plan: Carol Rybarski will contact the Warren’s to see if anyone has donated coffee and donuts, as in prior years, pre-pandemic.

B. First Friday-April will be at the home of Peggy Shipp.
Plan: Signs will be placed tomorrow. Kenda North will oversee.

C. May Block Party will be on May 7, 2022, from noon to 4 PM. Peggy Shipp is the coordinator. The location of the barricades needs to be determined. Ellie Hajek is in charge of getting the rental of the tables and chairs. Peggy Shipp has contacted the Burger Truck.

Plan: Nancy and Riley Willson will contact the Pittengers (“The Lucky Pierres”) to ask if their band will be available to play this year, and what the compensation has been in the past. It still needs to be determined as to who will bring chips and snacks.

Meeting Closure- 8:45 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the home of Mary Alice Ayers, 2018 Mayflower Drive.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy and Riley Willson


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