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27 April 2021

By December 20, 2021June 9th, 2023Uncategorized

Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Kenda North, Communications; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek; Membership Chair; Kathryn Warren, Past-President; John Ellis, Treasurer; and Heather Perlowski, Social Media

  1. Cheryl Aukeman will be in absentia for the next 6 months. We will miss her! Board meetings at her house for the next 6 months!
  2. SPENA Non-Event & Voting Day
    1. 2-4, Eddie & Joanna are putting up 3 barricades
    2. Put out SPENA Event signs by Wednesday
    3. Bubbles and sidewalk chalk (got it)
    4. Lucky Pierre’s $400 (John to write a check. He needs an invoice.)
  3. Heritage Oak Cliff Event @ Cibo
  4. Jane talked to them about grant reimbursement
  5. John still hasn’t gotten the check.
  6. Jane will follow up again.
  7. MiraMar has had two meetings
    1. Still deciding who will be the Operator. Needs to be approved by the City.
    2. Investigating “Good Neighbor Agreements”
      1. Not legally binding
      2. Just good neighbor wish list
    3. We will have input on terms of Special Use Permit
      1. This is legally binding
      2. Can put conditions on permit (parameters for permit revocation, duration, etc.)
  • Specify resident (hospice, veterans, mothers with children, etc.)
  1. Zoning must be “approved” by the neighborhood. The “USE”/ “RESIDENTS” would factor into this
  1. Chad West wants to have a community wide meeting about MiraMar issues
    1. How can we focus this meeting to be productive?
    2. Request top priorities? Other specific information requests rather than open-ended commentary.
  2. Next scheduled meeting is May 11.
  3. Currently: Camp Rhonda ‘residents’; COVID affected people experiencing homelessness; low occupancy
  1. Greenspace-Joanna Robbins will join Greenspace and be our interim Greenspace representative
    1. Michelle Touchet nominated Joanna to be our Greenspace representative. Kenda North seconded the nomination. The vote in favor was unanimous.
    2. Heather P. recommended Greenspace approach Kip & Larry (Bushwackers) for wildflower project. She will follow up to make sure they are on the SPENA email list.
  2. Purple Bag is doing well.
    1. Only a few people have dropped out as donors.
    2. May’s focus is men’s hygiene toiletries.
  3. JC-Kenda to forward Valerie Milner’s email to the Board so we can sign up to support the family.


The next SPENA Board Mtg will be May 25 @ 7:00. Location: TBD

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.


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