Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kathryn Warren, Past-President; Heather Perlowski, Social Media; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Kenda North, Communications; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; and Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek
- Treasurer’s Report
- Financial Report/Funding-provided via email (John)
- We have not paid Vicki for the directory work
- Need to get the invoice to provide to HOC so SPENA can be reimbursed
- Directory-Kenda
- Will be on the website
- Name, address, phone, email (if it exists) without doing anything
- Additional information can be inputted by resident after logging in and creating a profile (account activation)
- Additional information must be verified by an Administrator
- Rotate duties each month among SPENA Board members
- Can we have a Print-Friendly format available via a “button” on the site?
- Website & Social Media-Heather (mobile: 469 580 6331)
- Please send her any pics or posts for Facebook/Insta/Website
- Instagram handle: Stevens_Park_Estates_SPENA
- Website:
- Social Events
- Halloween options
- 4 pm, candy on tables, kids dressed up, finished before sundown; neighborhood kids only
- Trick or treat on Friday night (~5:00 pm) just for neighborhood kids, leave candy in bowls/on tables for kids to help themselves (CDC recommendation, moderate risk)
- Discourage trick or treating to general public on Saturday night by: turning lights off, not having blockades, not providing police
- Marydale Moms-costume parade in the works
- Other thoughts—neighbors may still consider putting up protection for landscaping
- Social Media, Constant Contact, Flyer verbiage regarding Halloween to be developed by Kathryn W. (Also to include directory on website information)
- Other Business
- Chad West organizing a Task Force to deal with Hampton Road street racing
- Wants a rep from SPENA—Heather volunteered to be our rep.
- Task force meeting on Thursday, October 1 via Zoom.
- Chad West organizing a Task Force to deal with Hampton Road street racing
- Halloween options
- Ellie-sophisticated kids/adults doing donuts (lookouts, radios, etc)
- Platted Play Parks-
- People have built into the area
- What to do if someone won’t move their fence
- Kassie McLaughlin willing to support getting folks to move their fences
- SPENA Board cannot help the neighbor who reached out to us. ☹
- Kenda to put together a photo essay showcasing what the pocket parks are meant to be
- Kathryn will write an article for D Magazine about our pocket parks
- Education Campaign for SP Pocket Parks!!
The next Board Mtg will be Oct 27th @ 7:00 via Zoom.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.