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September 29, 200

By November 13, 2020June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kathryn Warren, Past-President; Heather Perlowski, Social Media; Jane Rogers, HOC Rep; Kenda North, Communications; Cheryl Aukeman, Greenspace Rep; and Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Ellie Hajek

  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Financial Report/Funding-provided via email (John)
    2. We have not paid Vicki for the directory work
      1. Need to get the invoice to provide to HOC so SPENA can be reimbursed
    3. Directory-Kenda
      1. Will be on the website
      2. Name, address, phone, email (if it exists) without doing anything
      3. Additional information can be inputted by resident after logging in and creating a profile (account activation)
      4. Additional information must be verified by an Administrator
        1. Rotate duties each month among SPENA Board members
      5. Can we have a Print-Friendly format available via a “button” on the site?
  • Website & Social Media-Heather (mobile: 469 580 6331)
    1. Please send her any pics or posts for Facebook/Insta/Website
    2. Instagram handle: Stevens_Park_Estates_SPENA
    3. Website:
  1. Social Events
    1. Halloween options
      1. 4 pm, candy on tables, kids dressed up, finished before sundown; neighborhood kids only
      2. Trick or treat on Friday night (~5:00 pm) just for neighborhood kids, leave candy in bowls/on tables for kids to help themselves (CDC recommendation, moderate risk)
      3. Discourage trick or treating to general public on Saturday night by: turning lights off, not having blockades, not providing police
      4. Marydale Moms-costume parade in the works
      5. Other thoughts—neighbors may still consider putting up protection for landscaping
      6. Social Media, Constant Contact, Flyer verbiage regarding Halloween to be developed by Kathryn W. (Also to include directory on website information)
    2. Other Business
      1. Chad West organizing a Task Force to deal with Hampton Road street racing
        1. Wants a rep from SPENA—Heather volunteered to be our rep.
        2. Task force meeting on Thursday, October 1 via Zoom.
  • Ellie-sophisticated kids/adults doing donuts (lookouts, radios, etc)
  1. Platted Play Parks-
    1. People have built into the area
    2. What to do if someone won’t move their fence
  • Kassie McLaughlin willing to support getting folks to move their fences
  1. SPENA Board cannot help the neighbor who reached out to us. ☹
  2. Kenda to put together a photo essay showcasing what the pocket parks are meant to be
  3. Kathryn will write an article for D Magazine about our pocket parks
  • Education Campaign for SP Pocket Parks!!

The next Board Mtg will be Oct 27th @ 7:00 via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet.


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