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22 February 2022

By March 22, 2022June 9th, 2023Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol Rybarski, Mary Alice Ayers, Kenda North, Jim Barnes, Nathan Cox, Nancy Willson, Riley Willson, Carole Somers-Clark, Joanna Robben, Peggy Shipp, Stephanie Wick

Treasurer’s Report

Nathan Cox presented the number of households that have paid dues:

A. December 2021- 36
B. January 2022- 7
C. February 2022 (as of 2/25/22)-4

Dues are used for the Block party, and police for Halloween (Note: the board approved, after neighbors requested, funds for Halloween security in 2021, however, no officers were found to be available for neighborhood coverage). Dues are also used for other projects, as needed. SPENA Board needs to get information to residents as to how dues are utilized, and importance for community of paying dues. Kenda manages the “Constant Contact”, but she needs to be given the information to push out to recipients.

Nathan paid $207 to renew the Spena PO Box for the next year.

Social Chair Report

New Neighbor’s Welcome Ambassador Report – Mary Alice brought a sample of the current Welcome Basket with gifts and helpful information for new neighbors.

Social Media Report

No report given.

Historian Report

SPENA is concerned with the deterioration of the former church on the NE corner of Plymouth and Colorado. This property is in our Conservation District. Jim has attempted to contact the property owners, Chris and Bill Peirson, but has received no response. A full history of available information about this neighborhood site is being prepared.

HOC Representative Report

HOC will use the Passport format again this year for the home tour.

Greenspace Representative Report

The Group has not met since the January SPENA Meeting and there is no new report.


No report given.

Old Business

  1. Dash for the Beads Run. Carol has the equipment and supplies that will be needed for the race on Saturday, 2/26/22: 2 tables, 10 gallons of water, cups and 2 garbage cans. Riley Willson will get the equipment/supplies from Carol before Friday, 2/25. Nancy, Riley and Jim will set up the water station at the corner of Plymouth and Colorado. Others will help: Joanna, Cheryl, Mary Alice, Kenda.
  2. Grant for Sidewalk Improvement in SPE. Deadline for AARP grant is ~ March 25, 2022. Carol is taking the lead on this, but would appreciate assistance. Of concern are the curbs at Mayflower and Colorado, where there are no curb-cuts. Carol will contact past SPENA president, Katherine Warren, to get a template/guidelines for contacting homeowners.

New Business

  1. The May 2022 SPENA Business Meeting will be at the Stevens Park Golf Course Clubhouse.
  2. Due to the latest census, City Council Districts will be re-configured, and Stevens Park Estates will be impacted. Population in District 1 decreased since the prior census. Chad West has asked Bob Stimson to be on the re-districting Committee. Residents can provide feedback to Bob at
  3. Joe Rybarski will explore that there is adequate protection from liability for the Board members.

Meeting Closure- 9:00 pm

The next SPENA Board Mtg will be held March 29, 2022 at 7 pm at the home of Carol Rybarski, 1935 W. Colorado Blvd.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy and Riley Willson


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