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June 20, 2018

By August 30, 2018Uncategorized

June 20, 2018

Attendees: Kathryn Warren, President; Alisha Senour, Treasurer; Ellie Hajek, Membership; Carole Somers-Clark, Heritage Oak Cliff Representative; Carol Rybarski, New Neighbor Baskets, Social char; Christine Kulstad Vice-President; June 20, 2018

1. Treasurer’s Report
a. $7819.34- cash on hand, expenses went up since the last report because of the block party. Next year, grant for $500 from HOC will help defray costs.
b. Increase in homeowners who have paid dues (up to 71)
c. Will spend $618 on sidewalks
d. Only other large expense this year is about $1000 for Halloween
e. Should end up neutral at the end of the year (no net change in amount in savings)
f. Plan to raise dues to $50 next year
2. Social-
a. Need to set date for new neighbor’s brunch (only 1 new neighbor so far)
b. Discussed designing a SurveyMonkey for what SPENA can offer, what its purpose is, how much do enighbors participate
i. Kathryn and Christine to work on this
c. Possible History of Stevens Park Estate event- Coombs Creek guy (Barnes), Jack with Siberian Husky as knowledgeable neighbors
d. Welcome Basket will go to renters in house on 1933 Mayflower
3. Heritage Oak Cliff
a. Grants awarded to SPENA for neighborhood block party next year (will reimburse 60% of costs up to $500, save receipts) and for sidewalk repair.
b. Fall Home Tour on 10/20- 10/21
4. Next meeting on 7/10, Carole Somers-Clark’s house


Author stevenspark

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