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January 28, 2020

By February 4, 2020Meeting Minutes

SPENA Meeting, January 28, 2020, at the home of Carole Somers-Clark


In attendance: John Ellis, Carol Rybarski, Kenda North, Jane Rogers, Carole Somers-Clark, Kathryn Warren, Heather Perlowski

  1. Treasurer’s Report (John Ellis)
    1. Discussion of the best way to keep track of who has paid dues. John to consult with Alisha Senour, the former treasurer.
    1. Discussion of how boards are elected. Possibility of revisiting bylaws.
  2. Social calendar (Carol Rybarski)
    1. Host needed for March 6 First Friday; alternative would be to have the event at a bar.
    1. Question of whether First Fridays are still the best way to build SP community. Consensus seems to be that they are working.
    1. Dash for the Beads, 2/22; Heather and Carol to take charge of table for runners at corner of Plymouth and Colorado.
    1. Event signs: we will aim for a more even distribution of signs after the next neighborhood event.
  3. Revised directory (Kenda North)
    1. Discussion of the preferred format: print or online? Seems to be a preference for print, bringing in advertising revenue.
    1. Possibility of getting grant from Heritage Oak Cliff to help with costs of directory.
    1. Kathryn, Jane offered to help Kenda with directory.
    1. SPENA Board members to be more diligent about soliciting new information at membership party.
  4. Christian Science Church (Carole Somers-Clark) could be sold in the near future. Something to keep an eye on, seeing as the building is part of the SP Conservation District.
  5. Next meeting: February 25, 7 pm, at the home of Carol Rybarski (1935 Colorado)

Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Warren


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